Non Accredited Courses

Non Accredited Courses

We have developed four non- accredited modules which can be completed separately or as a complete course on Apprenticeships, these are aimed at Employers, so they can gain a better understanding of the Apprenticeship process.
Apprenticeship Zoom Short Courses - £40 each
Module No 1 - Employing an Apprentice - Contracts, Minimum Wage, Apprenticeship Paperwork, Funding and the Apprenticeship Service

Module No 2 - Apprenticeship Standards - The process and your involvement as an Employer.

Module No 3 - Gateway - What is this and what does it mean as part of the Apprenticeship

Module No 4 - Funding - Apprenticeship Levy, CITB Funding, Other Funding

We have also produced a non-accredited course on the knowledge element of being an IEPA (Independent End Point Assessor) for Assessors/IQAs/Centre Manager/Admin who would like to know about being an IEPA and the Apprenticeship Gateway exam process without completing a formal qualification, delivered via Zoom £80.

An In-house certificate will be issued for all courses completed.

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